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Acupuncture and Homeopathy for Seasonal Allergy

Danielle Pilarinos

Hopefully, you’ve tried some of the suggestions from the first and second parts of this series and are seeing the difference. In this part, let’s talk about two powerful approaches to alleviating seasonal allergies, Acupuncture and Homeopathy.


Acupuncture is an ancient technique included in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the principle that everything in the universe, including our bodies, are composed of two opposing forces. When those forces are in balance, health is achieved. The energy in our bodies move along specific pathways called, meridians. If there is a blockage in the meridian impacting the flow of energy, compromised function, pain, and illness can occur. Acupuncture works by removing those blockages allowing a normal energetic state to return. The blockages are cleared by stimulating specific locations on the body called acupuncture points. Those points are usually stimulated by thin needles but can also be stimulated manually with pressure or with magnets.

When stimulating a point manually, apply firm pressure for 30 seconds. When using magnets, place the magnet on the point with the black magnet facing the skin on the right side of the body and the red magnet facing the skin on the left side. Leave the magnets in place for a minimum of 15-30 minutes. The magnets you're using need to be the same grade used for Biomagnetism. Acupuncture points are located at the same location on both sides of the body. Whether you choose to use pressure or magnets, stimulate the point on both sides of the body.

Although I love receiving acupuncture, I am far from an expert. I reached out to my friend and acupuncturist, Dr. Kathleen Murray for her approach to seasonal allergies. If you live in the Washington, D.C. or Baltimore areas I highly recommend reaching out to her. She is a skilled healer with potent, nourishing medicine and she holds a beautiful space for her patients.

acupuncture point large intestine 20 (LI 20)
Large Intestine 20

Acupuncture Points to Try

Large Intestine 20 - In English, this point is called “Welcome Fragrance”. It opens your nose helping you to breathe easier and helps with itching and swelling in the face. The large intestine meridian is associated with “letting go”, releasing what no longer serves us. In this case we need to let go of sinus congestion.

Acupuncture point Lung 7 (LU 7)
Lung 7

Lung 7 - This is one of the most powerful points

along the lung meridian. Lung 7 is known to help with asthma, wheezing, persistent cough and any other lung complaint. It works by opening up the lungs allowing you

to breathe easier.

Acupuncture point Liver 3 (LIV 3)
Liver 3

Liver 3 - This is THE point for when we’re feeling cranky or irritable, and seasonal allergies can do that to the calmest of us. Liver 3 moves those emotions and helps the system as a whole to flow more smoothly and calmly.

Acupuncture point Kidney 3 (KID 3)
Kidney 3

Kidney 3 - If your allergies have you coughing, wheezing, nursing a sore throat, and unable to sleep try Kidney 3. It is known to address all those complaints and increases the body’s vitality.


Homeopathic medicine or homeopathy is an alternative medicine developed by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, from Germany, in the early 1800s. It is based on the theory of “like cures like”. Meaning a substance that would normally make a healthy person sick, when given to a sick individual would relieve their symptoms. It is believed giving small doses of the substance that causes the disease will stimulate the body to heal itself. That reasoning may seem dubious, but it is analogous to how the body builds muscle. We lift weights to get stronger. The stress of the weight causes micro-tears. It is the repair of those tears that stimulates muscle growth and increases strength.

Homeopathy is a particularly effective medicine because it addresses the physical, mental, and emotional state of the patient. Since a single remedy can address all three states of a patient, picking the correct one can sometimes be a complex process. The good news is homeopathy is incredibly safe. If you don’t pick the best remedy at first, you’ll suffer no ill consequence.

I use homeopathy regularly. I have numerous remedies and several reference books. Even with my limited knowledge I see impressive results. However, for this series, I wanted to tap into the knowledge of a practicing homeopath. My friend and colleague, Salvatore Di Liello, N.D., generously shared some of his most common homeopathic remedies for seasonal allergies. Salvatore has over 25 years of experience in holistic medicine and is the unique combination of being knowledgeable, yet humble and approachable, with deep and genuine care for his patients. For a more through homeopathic approach schedule a consult with Salvatore.

As you read through the following list, find that remedy that best describes the symptoms you're experiencing. If two seem to match, try one then the other independently so you can identify which remedy was most helpful.

Allium Cepa:

  • Eyes and nose running profusely, like a faucet.

  • Nose and upper lip may be raw from excessive mucus.

  • Eyes sensitive to light. Bland, copious tearing from eyes.

  • Violent sneezing with runny nose, worse in the morning.

  • Very sensitive to odor of flowers and skin of peaches.


  • Profuse acrid tearing, with profuse bland discharge from nose (reverse of Allium Cepa).

  • Sneezing.

  • Eyes water constantly: blinking, burning, swollen eyelids. Violent itching of eyes.

  • Eyes feel worse in open air, and wind.


  • Sneezing and profuse, watery nasal discharge that burns a red streak over upper lip and about wings of nose.

  • Sneezing a prominent symptom...starts from tickling in one spot of nose; after sneezing tickling as bad as before.

  • Hay fever induced asthma.

  • Individual feels anxious, restless, often asthmatic, worst time is shortly after midnight.

Carbo Vegetabilis:

  • Frequent sneezing, with constant violent crawling and tickling in nose

  • Ineffectual desire to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril.

  • Watery discharge, and sneezes day and night.

  • Suffers from heat, is chilled by cold, sweats in a hot room. No comfortable place.

Natrum Muriaticum:

  • Watery discharge from eyes and nose, must lay a towel under nose.

  • Woke with headache and profuse runny nose, turning into stuffiness.

  • Tears acrid; corners of eyes itchy, red, and sore.

  • Loss of taste and smell.

Nux Vomica:

  • Distressing prolonged periods of sneezing.

  • Excessive irritation in nose, eyes, and face.

  • Heat in face as if a hot iron were near it.

  • Itching extends from palate to larynx and trachea.

  • Feeling very irritable and sensitive to cold.

Sticta Pulmonaria:

  • Constant need to blow nose, but no discharge because of dryness.

  • Nose is stuffed up; secretion drying so rapidly it cannot be cleared.

  • Almost constant sneezing.

  • Tingling right side nose. Fullness right side forehead to root nose.

  • Excessive dryness of soft palate. Tickling high up in throat.


  • Intense itching in roof of mouth, compulsive scratching with tongue which leads to "clucking".

  • Prosuse, burning, acrid nasal discharge.

  • Itching of eyes, nose, ear canals, roof of mouth, and skin.

  • Extreme dryness of nose, mouth, and throat.

This series has covered five main ways to improve your seasonal allergies; Biomagnetism, food, herbalism, acupuncture and herbalism. All different ways to achieve the same goal, a healthy, allergy free body. Let me know what you tried and the differences you saw.


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